মুক্তকলম - গল্প কবিতা আলাপে

Submission Guideline

জমা নির্দেশিকা

Submission Guidelines

We love strong genre fiction - crime, fantasy, mystery, romance, science fiction, horror. We'll also publish good work that doesn't necessarily fit a specific genre - general. We do not publish erotica, polemics or non-fiction.


Writer Can Upload their stories on writer panel. There some portal for story upload.

Terms of publication

https://www.muktokowlom.com publishes stories on the basis that the site and all associated with it, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages. This includes the loss of Stories, programs, information, personal or public data, and any unauthorized use of Stories by any other party. Anyone who submits material to this site waives all claims against the site and anyone associated with the site. Submitters have no control over the use of the Site or the Content submitted to it. Include the words, "I agree to the terms of publication" when you submit your story. If you don't include these words, we'll assume you've agreed to the terms of publication based on your submission of a story.

Other Requests

Writers cannot succeed without readers. We ask to subscribe to our story distribution service in the left-hand column to submit stories. If you unsubscribe later, that's fine, but please help yourself and other authors build distribution. Also, you may enjoy reading our stories.